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Personal training face-to-face / at home:

For K-TRAINER The key to personal training is not so much in always training with the client, but in being able to provide them during 1 hour of training, the support and tools necessary for you to train an effective form, safe and regular, be autonomous and take control and responsibility for your habits and lifestyle.
This training can be done in different geographical areas as in his home, in the presence of nature or park you want or even on your own Gym if access is possible.

Personal training benefits  face-to-face:

- Access to any geographical point agreed with the coach.
- Access to specific material.
- Greater supervision and facility to make corrections and/or demonstrations.
- Possibility of receiving corrections and tactile feedback.
- More dynamic and varied sessions in which you will make the most of your time. 
- Being in contact with people similar to you or with similar interests.
- More exclusive and premium service.

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